Summer Saison

- Malts: Malts: Pilsner (USA/Germany), Munich (Germany), Abbey (UK), Special B (UK), Two Row Pale (USA)
- Kettle Hops: Kettle Hops: Perle, Golding, Saaz (Pacific Northwest)
- Yeast: Yeast: Farmhouse
This is a traditional beer made with much care. Lemon zest, tangerine juice, and Grains of Para- dise, all prepared by hand from fresh ingredients, are added to the boil on our brew day. A small amount of lavender flowers are added to the conditioning tank to provide just the right amount of floral aroma. The distinct aroma (some may perceive as floral, some as clove) comes not from the ingredients in this beer but from the Belgian Farmhouse yeast strain we use to ferment it. This beer is crisp and refreshing. No hop bitterness or aroma is present. Perfect for summer.